Personnel Policies

Personnel Policies    (Reviewed 1-13-2020)


Filling Vacancies

Vacancies will be advertised for a specific period of time. Applications will be sent to the library. All applications will be reviewed by the Library Director, except in the case where the Library Director’s position is being filled, all applications will be sent to the Board of Trustees president.

Qualifications for the Library Director shall include at least a High School Diploma, preferable a college degree in business or management, computer skills, certified librarian or willing to become certified, willing to learn library procedures and policies and to enforce them and to take continuing education classes for re-certification. Qualifications for library staff shall include a High School Diploma or GED, some computer skills, willing to learn library procedures and policies, be friendly and helpful to patrons, and understand confidentiality.


Probation Period

There will be a probation period of 3 to 6 months for all new employees. During this time the Board will evaluate the Library Director's work progress, and the Library Director will evaluate the staff work progress. This period will allow an employee time to adjust to the job requirements. If an employee’s performance does not meet the required standards, he or she will be dismissed.


Conduct on Duty

A library employee shall, above all else be friendly and courteous to everyone. Each patron should feel that he or she is receiving prompt and personal service, no matter what the request.



Any grievance shall be brought directly to the Board


Personnel Records

Personnel records shall be kept for a period of five years.



Resignations of the Library Director shall be written and submitted to the Board. Resignations of staff shall be written and submitted to the Library Director.



Complaints by the Board concerning an employee’s job performance shall be addressed in the following manner:

In the case of Library Staff:
The First complaint will be addressed by the Library Director verbally
The Second complaint will be addressed by the Library Director in writing
The Third complaint will result in dismissal by the Library Director

In the case of the Library Director:
The First complaint will be addressed by the Board verbally
The Second complaint will be addressed by the Board in writing
The Third complaint will result in dismissal by the Board



The Marchant Memorial Library has no restrictions or limitations concerning retirement. That will be left up to the individual.


Salaries and Position Classification

Salaries will be determined by the Board according to an employee’s experience and/or certification. Employees will be paid bi-weekly on Wednesday by the city. Hours will be reported to the city clerk on Saturday. Positions will be determined by the Library Director and Board according to need and to experience.

The Board will review Library Staff payroll hours each month. The Board will review monthly expenses with Year-To-Date totals each month.


Hours & Schedules

Hours and schedules will be determined by the Library Director and the Board.
The library may be closed due to inclement weather at the discretion of the Library Director.


Staff Development

Staff members are required to have a formal education. The Library Director shall attend continuing education classes to maintain certification or be become certified. The Library Director shall be a member of State and County organizations.


Vacations and Leave

The Board shall be given advance notice concerning vacations and must be approved by the same. No staff member will be paid for time off during vacation.


Personal Leave

Leave must be approved in advance by the Board. If the Library Director has an unexpected absence, the Board president must be notified.


Professional and Educational Leave

The Library Director and Library Staff shall be reimbursed for class fees and paid mileage. Instead of mileage an employee can be paid their hourly rate for actual hours spent.


Jury & Reserve Military Leave

Employee shall be paid for actual hours missed at the regular hourly wage.